Lessons from the clouds
What do you think of the clouds? I think clouds are extraordinary, magical and magnificent. Have you ever wondered what the power of our Living God could be compared to?I find the clouds to resemble the Living Yahweh with maybe 1%. Yes, I agree, we cannot compare anything to His Power, at all, but I think using the clouds can provide some understanding, so here goes ...
I am Yours
I sing because of my new name
You chose me
You embrace me
You forgave me
You washed me with Your Word and saturated me with the Blood of the Lamb
Be me
Be me
Be my eyes, Most High God
Be my hands, Merciful Father
Be my feet, Almighty Saviour
Be my heart, High Tower of Light
Be my mind, Bread of Life
Be my digestive system, Fountain of Living Water
Be my muscles, Stronghold of my Salvation
New Creation Because of You
New Creation Because of You
On Your shoulders I’m larger than the giants of this world
When I’m dancing on Your feet, I move swift like the swallow…
ever ready for turns and change of direction
When my hand is in Yours, I fear nothing
i stay small
i stay small
The Lord of hosts is my High Tower and my fortress
On Him I rely and confidently trust
In His peace I find my joy, uplifting and ever awe-filled worship
I stay small
In His love I find my acceptance
The Blood of the Lamb…